Saturday, June 19, 2010

Level Up!

Feels like quite long long time didnt update my blog n see my fren's blog liao..

Anyway, the following picture shows the gift or souvenir brought back from China by my dear brother to my father.. very very nice gift! It is really something special..

It looks like Chinese Ancient "Book" n some more it is written with very very famous Thirty-Six Stratagems.. i think most people will know the last one - 36th (running away as the best choice)

I've demanded him to buy one for me next time (^_^)

The toy figure is Keroro which is a quite interesting character in Anime..
It was my birthday present from my brother 2 years ago..
Very very happy to receive that gift that time cos i like it very very very much!!!
i went to toys department few times just look at the toy figure n didnt buy.. but he bought it for me.. hehe :)

It was standing on an envelope blocking the address (i purposely one)
The envelope is Father's Day Card!!! hahaha
I love my family very very much!
No second though of sending such card to my lovely father!
If u see dis blog, pls call your father to wish him on this meaningful day.

I've asked many many frens whether they have stamp or not.. after asking for few days, finally the God touched by me, my Uni fren known as Loong had stamp.. haha

Now a days, seems like no one has stamp, not to mention collecting stamp as hobby le~

The next picture is "address blocked by unknown cute cute picture"
The cute cute looks like "ginger bread man"
I like to read books! BUT NOT ACADEMIC ONE!!! n during very very free time only.
The Bookmark was the cutest bookmark i've ever seen!!!

Cant imagine if a pretty girl who admire me n do one handmade bookmark to me.. haha
Think too much le.. stop dreaming >.<

The title "Level Up" for this blog is based on the following pictures.

I finally cook dishes besides Maggie mee, Vegetable Soup n chicken porridge le!!!
I started thinking of cooking vege at the beginning of this sem by thinking tat i eat the dishes myself alone after all. So, if i cook badly, i will take the consequences alone.. hehe

I bought my favorite sweet peas n coliflower n chicken.
Cooked chicken with vege seems like healthier than eating outside n it is slightly cheaper..

I know how to cook vege!
One step forward to become Prince Charming or Mr Right!!!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

First week of 3rd year degree!

It's quite fast to be at 3rd year of degree le (^_^)

First few days of the week are disaster!

First, heard my housemate also coursemate said that the Uni had changed our Industrial Training/ Practical from last two semester which are very ideal to the sem after next sem!
First thing came into my mind is room rental, we already signed one year contract n the Training falls on the last sem of the contract.
It's also difficult to find a room for around 6 months.. Thanks to the planning of Uni :(

Second, i found the toilet light attached to my room is not working!
I checked the starter n light tube, no problem.
Worst com to worst is the "machine part" spoilt!
My housemate Zen told me tat he found the light has been ON for 1 whole week!

Third, the lecturer told us that we were having one of the two most difficult subjects in entire accounting course.
Wao~ so interesting..
When the lecturer asked us try the questions on ourselves first, my mind was blank cos quite difficult, and i feel relief that few minutes more the class will be end.
Misjudgment! It still has one more hour to go.. it's 3 hours lecture!
Brain staying blank for 1 more hour.. haha.. wat a interesting subject.
Started to thinking whether i can handle 5 subjects in this sem, looking at it, subjects are getting more difficult each sem.

Despite all those disasters, there's something i'm looking forward to.. like sending Father's day card and watch first Football World Cup match.. hehe

- Lucky-d-Edward-